Tuesday, March 1, 2011


And I'm drowning in ideas.  Promotions, advertising, honing in on my target market, new designs, new customers...

Sometimes I feel like I've got so much on my plate (that I put there) that I'll never finish anything.  ACK!  And that's when I sit down, eat some chocolate, and take it one thing at a time.  I find that organizing things on my desk helps me organize my thoughts and gives me the feeling that I have some control over my self-imposed-chaos.

I take time to go through my orders, order castings and gemstones as needed, then hang them on a magnetic board on the wall behind my desk.  Done.

Then I go through my expense receipts, bills, and assorted crap that has somehow landed on my desk (thank you, sweet husband).  Then I do the old FTP.  File. Toss. Pile.  If I've dealt with it: File.  If I haven't looked at it/don't need it: Toss.  If I don't know what to do with it yet: Pile.  I like to work in piles and I admit it's one slippery slope toward being on Hoarders for me.

I apologize to whomever that pile belongs to, but thought the cat butt sticking out was hilarious.  Schaudenfraude at it's best.

So that said, I am going to continue my FTPing in the hopes that it will give me some energy to continue to plow through the piles and get on with my work.  That said, I just posted a fantastic new ring in my Etsy shop.  Whew.


Dawanna Young said...

Hilarious. Have you been looking in my studio? We share a system. :D

Lisa Lehmann @StudioJewel said...

yup...i get that!

just keep on doing whatchoo are doing..it's fantastic!


Beadsme said...

My eyes headed straight to the cat butt. OH my! LOL.

SendingLoveGallery said...

I belong to your club, only not doing so well with the Toss part...love the chocolate breaks : )

Metalicious said...

i love you guys!

Unknown said...

I've just been doing the pile part of FTP- not a good long term plan. Whenever somebody sees my office/studio I tell them that this is what the inside of my brain looks like. :)

Made By Tammy said...

I'm a member of that club. Taking a minute to eat some chocolate...that always helps!